Tekst (tags rechts)
Swimming With Wings

2023 / 10' Dir. Daphna Awadish Sc. Daphna Awadish Prod. Valk Productions Sales. SND Films

Swimming With Wings

Daphna Awadish

A short animated documentary exploring the immigration experience through the eyes of children learning how to swim with clothes on in the Netherlands.

For Lyri, the penguin, going on her underwater voyage she will reach polar existence. Getting there will mean returning to a primary world, natural, and protected. Whatever she experiences there she will take back to the “real” world, where finally she will be able to swim.

Main Category: Animation · Arthouse · Short
Expected Completion: 2023
Original Film Title: Swimming With Wings
English Film Title: Swimming With Wings
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 10
Original Language: Dutch · English · Hebrew
Genre: Animation · Short
Animation Technique: Mixed Techniques
Director: Daphna Awadish
Filmography Director: FACING WATER (2020, short animated doc) Festivals and Awards: a.o. ZEBRA Poetry FF, , Kaboom Animation Festival, Special Mention Linoleum Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, BEAR WITH ME (2019, short graduation animated doc) Festivals and Awards o.a. Best Animation Award Jerusalem FF, Fantastic Award- Stuttgart IAFF #ThisIsEU - European Values Award, AnimaSyros IAFF, Best Animation Award Ce l'ho Corto FF, Special Mention Festival Universitario de Cine y Audiovisuales Equinoxio, Special Mention Athens Animafest.
Screenwriter: Daphna Awadish
Main Production Company: Valk Productions
Main Production - Person(s): Richard Valk
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 5093 4002
Main Production Company E-mail: richardv@xs4all.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.valkproductions.com
Co-production company: The Hive Studio (IL)
Sales Agent: SND Films
Sales Agent Phone: +31 6 549 55 266
Sales Agent E-mail: sydney@sndfilms.com
Sales Agent website: www.sndfilms.com
Festival distribution Company Name: Studio Wasia
Festival distribution Company E-mail: miguel.wasia@gmail.com