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When We Lost to the Germans

85' Dir. Guido van Driel Sc. Bas Blokker · Guido van Driel Prod. Family Affair Films

When We Lost to the Germans

Guido van Driel

Summer of 1974. The city is empty. With all their friends on holiday, Daan and Jonas have to make the most of it, but they are obsessed with Catootje who is gone.

The day after the lost World Cup final of 1974. The town is in mourning. Jonas (12) runs into Daan (13). Not a friend of his. But on this dull summer day they hang out. Daan teases Johan about his soft spot for Catootje. They discuss her disappearance. Could be anything. Passing Catootje’s house they see it’s filled with sad family members. Their friend Karsten has been questioned by the police and knows more. When the sun is setting, they go home. TV news announces that Catootje's body has been found…

Main Category: Arthouse · Feature Film
Original Film Title: Toen we van de Duitsers verloren
English Film Title: When We Lost to the Germans
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 85
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Drama · Feature Film
Director: Guido van Driel
Filmography Director: a.o. BLOODY MARIE (2019, feature), MOSAIC (2016, short), CHAUFFEUR (2013, short) Festivals: a.o. Clermont Ferrand FF, THE RESURRECTION OF A BASTARD (2013, feature) Festivals: a.o Opening Film IFF Rotterdam.
Screenwriter: Bas Blokker · Guido van Driel
Camera: Lennert van Hillege
Cast: Alwin Pulinckx · Joshua Schlosser · Kylian de Pagter · Nora Beckers · Rein Hoeke
Main Production Company: Family Affair Films
Main Production - Person(s): Floor Onrust
Main Production Company Phone: +31 20 707 0713
Main Production Company E-mail: info@familyaffairfilms.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.familyaffairfilms.nl