Tekst (tags rechts)
Liminal Space

2018 / 10' Dir. Wout-Peter Malestein Prod. Kaliber Film

Liminal Space

Wout-Peter Malestein

A cage fighter visits his father, who is suffering from dementia, in a nursing home. Here, both men must fight for what is left of their difficult relationship.

A cage fighter visits his father, who is suffering from dementia, in a nursing home. Here, both men must fight for what is left of their difficult relationship.

Main Category: Experimental Film · Short
Expected Completion: September 2018
Original Film Title: Liminal Space
Running Time: 10
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Filmography Director: TOT DAT ENE MOMENT (2015, short doc), RICOCHET (2014, short).
Main Production Company: Kaliber Film
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 4306 1201
Main Production Company E-mail: info@kaliberfilm.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.kaliberfilm.nl